Tuesday 6 March 2012

Research and Planning A2

Primary research on A2 blog:
I analyzed four different magazine adverts from prominent music magazines.
I analyzed a variety of websites and their designs
We analyzed a variety of music videos to decided what type of video they were so as to determine what type of video we wanted to create.
We placed a poll on the side of the blog to ask which song we should feature in the video.
Before we began each task we viewed the work of the exemplar students from previous years so as to understand what we had to do.
Our teachers left comment son our blogs on certain posts to tell us what we should do and to point us in the correct direction.  
We created audience profiles so as to decide who we wanted as the target audience for our video.
Secondary research on A2 blog:                      
We used existing theories such as Roland Barthes belief in narrative threads and Laura Mulvay’s belief in the male gaze.
We looked at previous students blogs to get a better idea of what we had to do.
We made notes during class which we then used to give us direction during the write ups at a latter date.

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