Thursday 2 February 2012

What is Creativity?

-  Within my AS coursework I used my imagination to develop a background story and the article to create around my subject in the magazine. This can be seen as creative as I used my own ideas and creations to develop something which suited the genre I had picked.
Within the A2 coursework we used our imagination as we created a scenario we wanted to develop. This scenario consisted of that of a apocalypse. This can be seen as imaginative as not many music videos consist of such a theme.
-For my AS work it can be seen that I used inspiration to fill out my contents page. This inspiration came from the music magazine NME and is evidenced by my use of such sub-titles as ‘Radar’.
For the Digipak from my A2 coursework, it can be seen that I used inspiration from the Bombay Bicycle Club Flaws album. This inspiration can be seen in my colour scheme and the use of images across the whole of my digipak. Secondly, inspiration can be seen in my decision to use elements of the XX’s magazine advert to help me use my own images.
-Within my AS coursework I feel that I used ingenuity in the naming of the piece of work. I merged the two different titles and came to use the creation of both. As I saw that my merging both I could create a link to my genre of music.
Within the A2 piece of work we used ingenuity via the variety of pieces of equipment we used. It can be seen that this was done via ingenuity as often we had very little time and had to adapt to using a different piece of equipment.
 -In my AS coursework it can be seen that I used inventiveness upon my front cover through the use of black and white on the main image. This was inventive as I had not planned the use of black and white; it can be seen as a spontaneous decision.
Within the A2 coursework it can be seen that we used inventiveness in our use of post production affects. This is evidenced by our used of filters over the top of certain elements of the video. This was inventive as it was something we played with in our first draft. we never planned to use it.
-Within my AS coursework it can be seen that I was resourceful through the decisions I made regarding genre. I used the alternative genre as it was the one I listened to and thus knew most about; giving me greater scope to develop a piece of work on it.
In our A2 coursework it can be seen that we used resourcefulness as we owned the equipment we used and thus knew how to use it and had the option to always use it. This applied to the musical instruments we used as well.
-Creativeness can be seen in my AS piece of coursework via the front cover I developed. This is evidenced via how I used colour to fill in the superman emblem on my subjects top and placed a shadow of superman behind him. I did this to develop a link between the two and add depth to the front cover.
Creativeness in my A2 piece of coursework can be seen by the effects I place over the top of the images I used on my digipak and magazine advert. I wanted to create a darker apocalypse feel and thus added vignetting and a filter.
 -Within the AS coursework I had vision in that I wanted to develop an alternative magazine  via the use of images which created a relaxed atmosphere.  This was done via capturing the relaxed nature of the clothes my subjects wore.
In the A2 coursework  we had an aim  to make a post- apocalyptic video which we managed to carry through. A second reason this was  fulfilled vision was  because of how closely it stuck to the storyboard we drafted in the research and planning; which consisted if images of our original vision.
- Within my AS coursework it can be seen that I was innovative in the style of the magazine I created. I looked to develop something different from other magazines and I feel that what I created shows this, particularly via my use of fonts and the different variety of bands I featured on the cover of of my magazine.
In my A2 coursework innovation can be seen in the way that we used more than two locations. It can be seen that the majority of music videos use one or two. However, for ours, we used three. Something which I feel was innovative.

How creative do you think you have been?
Throughout both my AS and A2 coursework I feel I have been creative. I feel that for my AS my creativity was unexplored then the challenge that developing a magazine presents allowed me to develop and explore my creativity via the use of photographs and designs. I would say that by the end of the AS coursework I had been creative and that I felt this was highlighted through what I felt I developed as my personal style; the use of particular colours, style of images and style of fonts.
Continuing from this I feel that my creativity increased from AS to A2. One reason I feel for this is because I knew what I was capable of, and I knew how to use the tools to progress my creativity. A second reason I feel that I have been creative and that i think creativity has increased from AS to A2 is because of how the music video was developed as a partnership. By comparing views and ideas I was capable to act upon advice and criticism and from this develop ideas further. 

What has prevented you from being more creative?
In my AS work I feel that one thing that prevented me being creative was the limited technology that was available for use. I used older pieces of software and the use of equipment not capable of the standard of work I was aiming for.
In my A2 work I would say that one thing that prevented creativity was that of time. The lack of time to develop a 2nd draft can be seen to have stunted creativity as perhaps we lacked opportunity to rethink certain areas of the work, and thus missed an opportunity to develop the work in a fashion that would have allowed more creativity.

Have boundaries prevented you from being creative?
In my AS work I do not feel that boundaries prevented me from being creative as I was unsure of what needed doing and I had not formulated enough ideas to be constricted. It can be seen that knowing the guidelines I had the boundaries provided help me developed ideas that weren't going to be dismissed on the grounds that they were to broad.
In my A2 work I feel boundaries did not restrict my creativity but actually helped in. I would argue this as by being told what we had to develop, creativity could be poured into this one area, helping to develop specific ideas. Instead of being lost over a decision making period on what product I wanted to create.

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