Monday 6 February 2012

Quotes and Creativity

"A process needed for problem solving...not a special gift enjoyed by a few but a common ability possessed by most people" (Jones 1993)
I disagree with this quote. It can be seen that creativity is a process for problem solving and this is demonstrated when challenges are presented. Such as the coursework we completed in our AS year and in our A2 year. However I believe that it is an ability which is possessed by all people, it is just that different people use it in different ways, as there are so many different ways to use creativity. It can be seen that creativity is enjoyed by all people; it may just take time and the right circumstances for it to develop and be used. Thus proving that people possess it.

"The making of the new and the re arranging of the old" (Bentley 1997)
I disagree with the the beginning of this quote. I do not think that creativity is the creating of new things; as having completed my AS and A2 coursework I feel that it is very hard to create anything which is completely original and 'new'. Instead I believe that creativity is contrary to this quote; and that nothing is original, but elements of products are taken from elsewhere and used.

"Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed of three elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain, and a field of experts who recognise and validate the innovation." (Csikszentmihalyi 1996)
I think that this quote is saying that for creativity to exist there must be a culture in which it can flourish; and particular elements of creativity already existing. For example in the Renaissance there was a culture in which rules existed. Guiding artists to develop specific pieces of work. The second half of the quote involves people, but these people must creative. The novelty refers to their creativity. By 'a field of experts' I believe this can be referred to in today's society to consist of whether there is a general public consensus in support of the pieces of work which has been created. I agree with the quote in the terms that I have describe. However I do not feel that there needs to be rules involved, but that creativity exists regardless of whether boundaries exist.

"There is no absolute judgement [on creativity] All judgements are comparisons of one thing with another." (Donald Larning)
I believe that this means that nobody can (should) judge a piece of work just by looking at it. Instead I believe that this quotes means all work must be compared to other pieces of work. I agree with this quote. I feel that the principle of this quote lies with the idea that nothing is original.

"Technology has taken all the creativity out of media production"
I believe that this is incorrect and just wrong. I believe that this quote cannot exist when tools and platforms such as Photoshop, iMovie etc etc exist.

"A project that is too well planned lacks opportunities for spontaneity and creativity."
I disagree with this quote. I think that there is need for planning however, I do not feel that this would obstruct creativity. I believe this because within my own A2 coursework, despite planning-we still decided to add effects in post production which were not planned. Other creative mediums are just as spontaneous, for example photography.

"Media producers can learn nothing from studying the conventions of old texts"
I disagree with this quote and this is because I see this quote as insinuating that inspiration cannot be drawn old texts. I would also describe old texts as any media creation which has been made before. I therefore believe that 'nothing is original' and that inspiration can be drawn from anywhere. 

The creation of bringing something new into existence-"this particular understanding of creativity involves the physical making of something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation" (David Gauntlett)

I think that this quote means that creation involves the creator making something to communicate or express either their creativity or how they feel. These creations can then lead to revelations from those who view them. I agree with this quote. In particular I agree with the idea that creativity is the physical making of something. I especially believe that this is done to express how one feels.

If creativity is not inherent in human mental powers, and is, in fact, social and situational, then technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users" (Banaji, Burn and Buckingham 2006)

I think that this quote implies that if creativity does not come naturally to some people then it is present due to social situations and the community in which people live. It can be seen that the quote is saying that if creativity does not come naturally to certain people then technology will help advance it. To some extent I agree with this; I believe that all people have creativity and that new technological advances can help develop it in those who struggle to express it.

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